Lecturer, Sociology


Ph.D. Sociology, UC Irvine, 2015
M.A. Sociology, UC Irvine, 2009
B.S. Interdisciplinary Studies (Physics & Chemistry), University of Texas at Dallas, 2006


Thomas is a lecturer in Sociology and Political Science at CSU Channel Islands. Previously, Thomas was a postdoctoral scholar at the University of Arizona, where he worked on the MacArthur funded Youth Activism Project. His research interests include the cultural consequences of social movements, especially as they relate to cultural attitudes about sexuality. He is also interested in research methodologies, particularly quantitative methods, social network analysis, and qualitative comparative analysis. Thomas’s teaching interests include quantitative methods, social movements, and sociology of sexualities.

Representative Courses Taught

  • SOC 352 Social Movements
  • POLS 310 Statistical Applications in Political Science

Select Publications

  • Elliott, Thomas Alan, Edwin Amenta, and Neal Caren. 2016. "Recipes for Attention: Policy Reforms, Crises, Organizational Characteristics and Newspaper Coverage of the LGBT Movement, 1969-2010." Sociological Forum. http://doi.org/10.1111/socf.12290

  • Edwin Amenta, Thomas Alan Elliott, and Amber Celina Tierney. Forthcoming. "Political Re- form and the Newspaper Coverage of U.S. Movements in Depression, Recession, and Historical Perspective." Mobilization. 
  • Kane, Melinda, and Thomas Elliott. 2014. "Turning to the Courts: A Quantitative Analysis of the Gay and Lesbian Movement's Use of Legal Mobilization." Sociological Focus 47(4):219-231 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00380237.2014.939901


Social Movements, Culture, Sexuality

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